Configure HAProxy SSL Passthrough

This quick guide explains how to install HAProxy with SSL passthrough on a Centos/Rocky 8 OS. This is specific to a NSX-T Manager install but can be used/tweaked for any environment

Install HA proxy

dnf install haproxy

Configure haproxy with front and back end servers

vi /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

Add following entries

frontend nsxmgr_frontend  
 bind *:443
 mode tcp
 option tcplog
 default_backend nsx_managers

backend nsx_managers
 mode tcp
 balance source
 server svr_nsx01 check
 server svr_nsx02 check
 server svr_nsx03 check

Note: I was able to use balance source in the options as all sources will come from different IPs. This became a particular issue when using round robin as sessions would try to hit another endpoint (nsx manager) and not be authenticated