If you need to send an attachment from a Windows server to an email address use the following syntax Open Powershell
Category: Windows
Change MTU on NIC Adapters in Windows 2019 Core
Problem: I had an issue where I set the NIC, Team and VLAN to be MTU 9000 but I still couldn’t get jumbo frames working on the interfaces. Solution: There is an extra set step required which involves increasing the MTU on the adapter. In this example I have 4 port Cisco MLOM card that Read More…
Remove VLAN and IP configuration in Windows 2019 Core
in this example I will remove VLAN 419 and associated IP addressing using Powershell This is a follow on from http://www.jordansphere.co.uk/add-lacp-interface-and-vlan-via-cli-in-windows-2019-core/ Remove IP addressing: Remove-NetIPAddress -IPAddress -PrefixLength 26 -InterfaceAlias “Storage – VLAN 419” Remove VLAN: Remove-NetLbfoTeamNic -Team “Storage” -vlanid 419
Install Cisco MLOM Drivers to Windows on Cisco UCS C220 M5
Problem: The Windows 2019 Core Server OS was not showing the 4 Ethernet ports (1 Cisco MLOM card) Solution: Download drivers from Cisco website: Mount Drivers on ISO via KVM in CIMC (H:/ drive in my case) Log into Windows 2019 Core Server and run following:
Add LACP Interface and VLAN via CLI in Windows 2019 Core
In this guide I will show you to create an LACP bond and then a VLAN using this bond as a parent. I will bonding 2 x 25Gb interfaces (VIC-MLOM-eth0 and VIC-MLOM-eth1) which are being passed through via Cisco C220 M5 rackmount blade In Powershell : The above shows the two NIC names im interested Read More…
The unique identifier you have entered may not be correct – DHCP reservation
Problem When entering a MAC Address reservation in Windows 2019 DHCP server I got the following error: Resolution Remove the colons (:) from the MAC Address
Promote Secondary Domain Controller via Powershell
In this environment there is a Windows Core 2019 DC installation. To promote a server to a domain controller use the following steps: Run sconfig to give the server a Name, IP address and DNS servers in Powershell Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools Install-ADDSDomainController -InstallDns -Credential (Get-Credential jordansphere\administrator) -DomainName jordansphere.co.uk Note: You will then be prompted for Read More…
Allow COM+ to Windows Firewall Core 2019
I got the following error when trying to manage Server Core from another machine. COM+ Network Access (DCOM-In) All rules in the Remote Event Log Management Group Resolution PS C:\Users\Administrator> Set-NetFirewallRule -Name “RemoteEventLogSvc-In-TCP” -Enabled True -Profile DomainPS C:\Users\Administrator> Set-NetFirewallRule -Name “RemoteEventLogSvc-NP-In-TCP” -Enabled True -Profile DomainPS C:\Users\Administrator> Set-NetFirewallRule -Name “RemoteEventLogSvc-RPCSS-In-TCP” -Enabled True -Profile DomainPS C:\Users\Administrator> Set-NetFirewallRule Read More…
Install Child Domain on Windows 2019 Core
In this example I will be adding a child domain called mgmt.jordansphere.co.uk to the main domain jordansphere.co.uk Install Windows (not desktop experience) From the CLI prompt run sconfig You should then be able to rename the computer and give it an IP address. Exit to CLi prompt Go into powershell Install-WindowsFeature AD-domain-services Install-ADDSDomain -ParentDomainName jordansphere.co.uk Read More…
Zabbix Agent Not Starting with Error 1067
Problem A newly installed zabbix agent (4.4.x) was installed on a Windows 2016 server using an automated script. The error was showing Windows could not start the Zabbix Agent service on Local Computer Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly Troubleshooting i tried to run the command in the foreground "C:\Progra~1\Zabbix-Agent\zabbix_agentd.exe" -f –config "C:\Progra~1\Zabbix-Agent\zabbix_agentd.conf" And Read More…
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