Configure LDAP Access on Netapp E-Series Santricity

The following quick guide will show you how to configure LDAP to an active directory domain from the Santricity (11.5) web based interface. Log into Santricity Web GUI and go to Settings -> Access Management Click Directory Services -> Add Directory Server I filled out the following under Server Settings. Please change to your Then Read More…

Upgrade Ontap 9.9

In this article I will outline the steps in upgrading (a very buggy) Netapp Ontap 9.9.1 to 9.9.1P5 Download 9.9.5 firmware from Netapp website (in a tgz format) Log into Cluster Mgmt VIP Cluster -> Overview -> Upload image Once uploaded select {image} -> Update In my environment it threw up a few errors on Read More…

Reboot Loop Limit Exceeded – NetApp E5760

Problem: When installing (well, remote hands in a datacenter) an NetApp E5760 with DE460C shelf, after the initial configuration of the management IP address the array went into the following state: Reboot Loop Limit Exceeded Lockdown code: 0ELF The storage array has exceeded its reboot limit and has locked down to preserve the data on Read More…

SMCLI Commands for NetApp E-Series

Issue I needed to remove a disk from a disk pool on an E-series 5700 ( ). This can only be done via SMCLI – which i’d never used before. Here are few useful steps and commands I found on the way. Steps Firstly I needed to install the E-Series Santricity Manager (despite the my Read More…

Display Fractional Reserve on Ontap 9.9

We had an issue where we had turned on fractional reserve using ontap 9.6 then upgraded to 9.9. It appears the new GUI does not display if fractional reserve is enabled or not. I believe from Ontap version 9.7 and below you cannot switch back to the classic view so to the command prompt we Read More…