Reset Equallogic Password via CLI

Scenario: I wanted to re-delpoy a standalone Equallogic 6210X but had neither the password or even the IP address of the device Resolution: Steps  1) Console on the Equallogic and powercycle the device 2) Press CTRL+P on boot 3) Use the following commands: EQL> setenv RESETPASSWORD 1 EQL> reload This should reset the password back to Read More…

Updating Equallogic Firmware via CLI

Below is an output from the Equallogic firmware update process from 7.1.14 to 8.1.6. In this example I will be using FTP to transfer the file (kit_V8.1.6-R427114_2004107431.tgz) to the member (not group) and updating via the CLI Group name:            btn-eqlbackup-g1 ( Member name:        BTN-EQL6000E-BP1 (   1) FTP firmware to member Read More…

Equallogic Load Balancing

A have written a very brief overview of the techniques Equallogic use for load balancing in a storage pool. These can be split into 3 different components: 1) NLB – Network Load Balancer Depending on network load, Equallogic can redistribute ISCSI connections across Ethernet ports. This is accompolished automatically by using an inbuilt feature of iSCSI called redirection. The Read More…