Configuring a Raritan PX2 PDU

After getting a new batch of shiny Raritan PX2 PDUs I thought they would just be as easy to configure as the old PX models. How wrong I was! The new PX2 models ship wiith an Ethernet port, a feature port, 2 USB ports and what looks like a completely different OS. In the past I configured the PX's via a console cable using MacBook.


Then it was just a matter of running an automated config to set the IP address and then configuring the rest via the web interface.


The new PX2 PDUs don't have a console port and the user is invited to use the USB port instead (or putting the PDU on a DHCP enabled network and configuring the device all via the web interface). Using a Mac to configure the Raritan PX2 was somewhat of a challenge. Raritan only have instructions for Windows or Linux. I contemplated installing Kermit on my Mac but in the end I decided to fire up VMware Fusion and install the USB Serial Setup 2.0 driver from I don't know if it was just a compatibility issue in Fusion but the Windows 7 OS would not recognise the driver was installed. Instead I reverted to another laptop with Windows as the native OS and the driver installed fine. I then opened Putty and connected to the PX2 PDU with the following settings:

Bits = 115200
Data bits = 8
Stop bits = 1
Partiy = none
Flow control = none

Once connected you will be prompted for a username/password. The default username is admin and password is raritan

I wanted to set a static IP address so here are the commands I used:

# config
config:# network ipv4 ipConfigurationMode static
config:# network ipv4 ipAddress
config:# network ipv4 subnetMask
config:# network ipv4 gateway
config:# network ipv4 primaryDNSServer
config:# apply

You can check the status of the settings by using the following command:

# show network ip all