A Dell Equallogic 6100X threw an alert via email. Upon logging into the GUI I could see secondary controller was showing a battery fail and the error :
Severity Date and Time Member ID Message
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Error 15/02/2017 09:00:11 JORD EQL6100X-1 28.4.47 Critical health conditions exist. Correct immediately before they affect array operation.
The followng error was automatically emailed from an Equallogic 6100X.and also visible in the log files:
ERROR event from storage array JORD-EQL6100X
subsystem: SP [secondary]
event: 28.4.47
time: Tue Feb 14 18:05:34 2017
Critical health conditions exist.
Correct immediately before they affect array operation.
Critical hardware component failure.
There are 1 outstanding health conditions. Correct these conditions before they affect array operation.
ERROR event from storage array JORD-EQL6100X
subsystem: SP [secondary]
event: 28.4.85
time: Tue Feb 14 18:05:34 2017
Critical hardware component failure, as shown next.
C2F power module has insufficient hold time.
After contacting Dell Support they sent out a new controller. I pulled out the older controller, transferred the SD card to the new controller then inserted the new device. The controller booted up correctly but the error was still visible. I then reseated the card and the error disappeared on second reboot.