Updating Equallogic Firmware via CLI

Below is an output from the Equallogic firmware update process from 7.1.14 to 8.1.6. In this example I will be using FTP to transfer the file (kit_V8.1.6-R427114_2004107431.tgz) to the member (not group) and updating via the CLI

Group name:            btn-eqlbackup-g1 (
Member name:        BTN-EQL6000E-BP1 (


1) FTP firmware to member ( ensuring binary mode is selected for transfer using grpadmin username.


2) Telnet or SSH to member using grpadmin username.

# telnet


3) Updating the firmware

btn-eqlbackup-g1> update
15:15:59 Updating from kit file “kit_V8.1.6-R427114_2004107431.tgz”

This command will install the update kit file that was
copied to the array.

If you choose to proceed, you will be shown the current firmware version
and the version to which you will update.  You will then be given the
choice to proceed again.

Do you want to proceed (y/n) [y]: y

15:16:02 Verifying kit integrity.
15:16:29 Active and secondary controllers detected.
15:16:34    Currently running version is:   Storage Array Firmware V7.1.14 (R427112)
15:16:34 You will be updating to version:   Storage Array Firmware V8.1.6 (R427114)
15:16:34 PLEASE NOTE:
15:16:35 You are upgrading from firmware version V7.1.14 to version V8.1.6.
15:16:35 You will NOT be able to downgrade back to V7.1.14 once the
15:16:35 upgrade is finished.
The firmware update will not take effect until you restart the array.

Do you want to proceed (y/n) [n]: y

15:16:49 Preparing to update active controller.
15:16:51 Updating flash memory on active controller.
15:16:51 This will take several minutes.
15:22:58 Update of flash memory on active controller completed.
15:23:03 Updating flash memory on secondary controller.
15:23:03 This will take several minutes.
15:22:53 Preparing to update secondary controller.
15:29:02 Update of flash memory on secondary controller completed.
15:29:06 Update completed successfully.
15:29:06 The firmware update will take effect when the array is restarted. To
15:29:06 restart the array, enter the restart command at the CLI prompt.

19212:0:BTN-EQL6000E-BP1:logevent:12-Jan-2017 15:16:47.740000:logevent.cc:259:INFO:30.2.5:Starting copy of firmware V8.1.6 to the compact flash.
19229:0:BTN-EQL6000E-BP1:logevent:12-Jan-2017 15:29:06.110000:logevent.cc:259:INFO:30.2.6:Completed copy of firmware V8.1.6 to the compact flash.

btn-eqlbackup-g1> restart

There is new firmware in the update area.

As part of applying the new firmware, the active and secondary control
modules will switch roles.  Therefore, the current active control module
will become the secondary after the firmware is applied.

Would you like to load the firmware now? (yes/no) [no] yes

15:29:27 Verifying new firmware integrity.
15:30:57 PLEASE NOTE:
15:30:57 The restart process may take up to approximately 10 minutes.
15:30:57 During the restart process, do not restart or power down the array.
15:30:57 Start update of flash memory on secondary controller.
15:31:00 Setting cache to write through
15:31:09 Update of flash memory on secondary controller completed.
15:31:09 Restarting secondary controller.
15:31:29 Waiting for secondary controller to restart…
15:31:34 Waiting for secondary controller to restart…
15:31:39 Waiting for secondary controller to restart…
15:31:45 Waiting for secondary controller to restart…
15:31:50 Waiting for secondary controller to restart…
15:31:55 Waiting for secondary controller to restart…
15:32:00 Waiting for secondary controller to restart…
15:32:05 Waiting for secondary controller to restart…
15:32:10 Waiting for secondary controller to restart…
15:32:16 Waiting for secondary controller to restart…
15:32:21 Waiting for secondary controller to restart…
15:32:26 Waiting for secondary controller to restart…
15:32:31 Waiting for secondary controller to restart…
15:32:36 Waiting for secondary controller to restart…
15:32:41 Waiting for secondary controller to restart…
15:32:47 Waiting for secondary controller to restart…
15:32:52 Secondary controller successfully restarted.  Start secondary control module synchronization.
15:32:52 Waiting for secondary control module synchronization…
15:32:57 Waiting for secondary control module synchronization…
15:33:02 Waiting for secondary control module synchronization…
15:33:07 Waiting for secondary control module synchronization…
15:33:13 Waiting for secondary control module synchronization…
15:33:18 Waiting for secondary control module database synchronization…
15:33:23 Waiting for secondary control module database synchronization…
15:33:28 Waiting for secondary control module database synchronization…
15:33:34 Waiting for secondary control module Prefetch synchronization…
15:33:39 Waiting for secondary control module Prefetch synchronization…
15:33:44 Waiting for secondary control module Prefetch synchronization…
15:33:49 Waiting for secondary control module Prefetch synchronization…
15:33:55 iSCSI PR PPool synchronization ..
15:33:55 Waiting for iSCSI PR PPool synchronization…
15:33:56 Secondary controller successfully updated.  Transition current active controller to secondary controller.
15:33:59 Restarting active controller to complete the update.



In all we lost 7 pings via the iSCSI network to the device while the controllers swapped over.