Upgrade Ontap 9.9

In this article I will outline the steps in upgrading (a very buggy) Netapp Ontap 9.9.1 to 9.9.1P5 Download 9.9.5 firmware from Netapp website (in a tgz format) Log into Cluster Mgmt VIP Cluster -> Overview -> Upload image Once uploaded select {image} -> Update In my environment it threw up a few errors on Read More…

Display Fractional Reserve on Ontap 9.9

We had an issue where we had turned on fractional reserve using ontap 9.6 then upgraded to 9.9. It appears the new GUI does not display if fractional reserve is enabled or not. I believe from Ontap version 9.7 and below you cannot switch back to the classic view so to the command prompt we Read More…