Password Protecting a Directory in IIS 7

To password protect a directory in IIS7 using basic authentication use the following steps. Note: In this example I will be password protecting  1) Create a user using Computer Management        2.  Open up Internet Information Services and click on the relevant website under Sites section.   3. Click the directory you want to password Read More…

Exporting SSL certificates for IIS

IIS requires a .pfx format to import. I will show you two commands Command to export a SSL certificate from Tomcat to IIS keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore certificates.ks -srcstoretype JCEKS -destkeystore jordansphere.pfx -deststoretype PKCS12 Note: You'll need the original keystore password for the export.  Command to export a SSL certificate from Apache to IIS openssl pkcs12 -export Read More…

The file type is not recognizable. Select another file – Import pfx file into IIS

I wanted to move a wildcard SSL certificate from Apache to IIS 7.5. From the server running Apache server I exported it using: openssl pkcs12 -export -out jordansphere.pfx -inkey jordansphere_cert.key -in jordansphere_cert.pem I then FTP'd this to my IIS server and tried to import. However, this message appeared: "The file type is not recognizable. Select Read More…