Below are the steps to extract all the information required from a PFX file (CompleteCert.pfx) to update the certs in a keystore for Vcloud Director. Note: In this example the CA has changed so i have changed the Intermediate and Root Certs. The following steps are carried out from a Centos 7 vcloud director cell Read More…
Category: vCloud Director
SSL VPN Tab Not Displaying when Logged in as Organization Administrator
vCloud version : Problem: No organization administrators could view the SSL VPN tab. When logged in as full sysadmin then tab would show. Under permissions of the org administrator role the feature was not visible at all. Solution: This is not enabled by default. As a sysadmin goto Tenant Access Control -> Rights Bundles Read More…
vCloud Availability – Operation Aborted Due to an Unexpected Error
Problem A customer deployed the vCloud Availaiblity 4.0 Appliance on site and was able to pair sites. However, as soon as any attempt was made to protect any VM they got an Operation aborted due to an unexpected error message Resolution Looking the replicator logs on the we could see the following error messages: This Read More…
Script to install RabbitMQ 3.7.9 on Centos7
Script to install RabbitMQ 3.7.9 on CentOS 7 #!/bin/bash # README # ONLY VARIABLE REQUIRED IS admin password for "rabbitmqctl add_user admin {MyPassword}" # PLease change before running script. # echo "#######################################################################"; echo "This script will install RabbitMQ 3.7.9 and open relevant firewall rules"; echo "#######################################################################"; yum -y install epel-release wget rpm -Uvh Read More…
Cryptographic Error: Trusted Certificate Entries are Not Password-protected Keytool
Problem When replacing the certificates on a vCloud Director 9.5 installation, I ran the configure command and the following error occurred. cryptographic error: trusted certificate entries are not password-protected keytool Troubleshooting Upon investigation of the keystore file it appeared that the entry type was trustedCertEntry keytool -storetype JCEKS -list -v -keystore certs.ks <snip> Alias name: http Read More…
vRops Vcloud Director Tenant Portal – Access Denied after Upgrade to 2.2
Problem After upgrading from vcloud director tenant portal 2.0 -> 2.2 all tenants were getting an Access Denied error when trying to view via Operation Manager drop down Resolution All looked okay. The Services were started and no errors anywhere. The fix was to simply disable -> re-enable plugin Access per tenant (like below)
Remove Datastore from Datastore Cluster in vCloud Director
Current Setup vCloud Director : 9.1 vSphere: 6.5 We have a datastore cluster with 2 datastores inside. As you can seee there are two datastores. saneql01-01 is the datastore I want to remove and is showing as empty Note: The official recommendation was to "remove the tag in vCenter and Read More…
vCloud Director 9.5 – The VCD Entity Does Not Exist
Problem When logged in as a vCloud Sys Admin in the Tenant (HTML5) interface and trying to delete any ISO from the Media section in vCloud Director 9.5 the following error appeared: Resolution VMware have identified this as a bug and are working on a patch. The workaround is to login in as an orginization Read More…
Apply New Certificate to Tenant App Portal for vCloud Director
Here are the steps to apply a new certificate to the tenant portal app (1.2.0) 1. Login into the appliance using the vsphere Web Client using the root username Note: I could not find any documentation on what the root password was so I had to reset the password by entering the GRUB menu.and booting Read More…
Install Postgres 10 for vCloud Director 9.5
Here are the steps to install Postgres 10 on CentOS 7 Spec: OS: CentOS 7 DB: Postgres 10.x RAM: 16GB vCPU: 4 HDD: 100 GB OS Installation: Use Guided GUI installation. Select to partition manually so that all data is on /root LVM. Read More…
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