Script to install RabbitMQ 3.7.9 on Centos7

Script to install RabbitMQ 3.7.9 on CentOS 7   #!/bin/bash # README # ONLY VARIABLE REQUIRED IS admin password for "rabbitmqctl add_user admin {MyPassword}" # PLease change before running script. # echo "#######################################################################"; echo "This script will install RabbitMQ 3.7.9 and open relevant firewall rules"; echo "#######################################################################"; yum -y install epel-release wget rpm -Uvh Read More…

Cryptographic Error: Trusted Certificate Entries are Not Password-protected Keytool

Problem When replacing the certificates on a vCloud Director 9.5 installation, I ran the configure command and the following error occurred. cryptographic error: trusted certificate entries are not password-protected keytool Troubleshooting Upon investigation of the keystore file it appeared that the entry type was trustedCertEntry keytool -storetype JCEKS -list -v -keystore certs.ks <snip> Alias name: http Read More…