Add a Read-Only User to VCSA

Scenario: I wanted to add a user with read-only privileges to the vcenter server appliance in order to run the Dell D-Pack

1) Firstly SSH to the VCSA

Then add the user

jord-vcenter:~ # useradd delldpack

Set a password for the user

jord-vcenter:~ # passwd delldpack
Changing password for delldpack.
New UNIX password:
BAD PASSWORD: is too simple
Retype new UNIX password:
Password changed.


2) The next stage is to add the permission to the user. Login to the vCenter (in this case I'm using the traditional client)

Click the desired object (eg cluster) and select permissions tab. Right click the screen on the right and select Add Permission

The following screenshots depict the required steps:


Click Add


Find the user (delldpack) I had just created via CLI.


Add the user then click ok

Ensure Read-only role is selected before completing