Flash LEDs on Equallogic via CLI

If you want to flash the LEDs on an Equallogic array whilst plugged into the Serial port (or via SSH/Telnet) then run these commands


When on the CLI:

# member show

This will output the member(s) information

Name                 Status Version Disks Capacity FreeSpace Connections
——————– ——- ———- —– ———- ———- ———–
SAN6000XV-A online V6.0.4 (R3 16 5.49TB 4.81TB 022829)

Now select the array (SAN6000XV-A in my case)

# member select SAN6000XV-A

Let the flashing begin! Type:

# locate enable

This will make 3 orange lights on the bottom of the Equllogic (6000XV  in my case) flash continuously.


Note: The option is also available via the GUI by right clicking the member and selecting Start LEDs Flashing.