Installing JRE and Ahsay OBM client on Centos CLI

Below are 12 simple steps to set up and Ahsay client to backup a Centos machine via the CLI.


Log onto the machine you want to backup.


1. Download  JRE 1.5 (version v1.5+ at the time of writing) and put it in your home directory (/home/jordansphere in this case)

2. # cd /home/jordansphere

3. #  tar -xvf jre-8u25-linux-x64.gz

4. # jre1.8.0_25/bin/java -version

5. # mv /home/jordansphere/jre1.8.0_25/ /usr/java

6. # /usr/java/bin/java -version

7. # mkdir -p /usr/local/obm

8. # cd /usr/local/obm

9. # wget https://www.[urltodownload]/obm-linux.tar.gz

10. # tar -xvf obm-linux.tar.gz

11. # ln -sf /usr/java /usr/local/obm/jvm

12. # ./bin/ > install.log