I wanted to get a list of all disk sizes, insert this into a .csv file then email the file to a couple of recipients. Using Powershell, I wanted to get a list of all the production severs from a vCenter 5.5 server which were all located in a "Production" folder.
Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core Connect-VIServer -Server -User 'jordansphere' -Password 'PASSWORD_HERE' $VMs = Get-Folder 'Production' | Get-VM | Sort Name -descending $Results = @() foreach ($VM in $VMs) { $Result = new-object PSObject $Result | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "VM Name" -value $VM.Name $VMDiskCount = 1 get-harddisk $VM | foreach { $disk = $_ $Result | add-member -name "Disk($VMDiskCount)SizeGB" -value ([math]::Round($disk.CapacityKB / 1MB)) -membertype NoteProperty $VMDiskCount++ } $Results += $Result } $Results | select-object * | export-csv -notypeinformation C:\temp\VCBDiskReport.csv Send-MailMessage -from "Sender Name <[email protected]>" ` -to "Recipient One <[email protected]>", ` "Recipient Two <[email protected]>" ` -subject "Hard Drives - VM Sizes" ` -body "Please find the output of all Production VMs and Hard Disk sizes" ` -Attachment "C:\temp\VCBDiskReport.csv" -smtpServer smtp.jordansphere.co.uk