Split SSO Server in vSphere 5.5

Problem: Our current setup involved several vCenter 5.5 Servers poining to a single SSO server. A requirement arose which required each vCenter to point to its own SSO server.   Current SSO Server:   sso01.jordansphere.co.uk ( New SSO Server:        sso02.jordansphere.co.uk ( vCenter Server:           vCenter.jordansphere.co.uk ( vCenter Server:      Read More…

PowerCLI Script to Get Number of CPUs, RAM and Provisioned HDD Size

The following script looks at particular folder (finance) on a vCenter Server then for each VM gets the number of CPUs, memory in GB and calculates the combined size of all HDDs. This is then exported to a csv file.   Connect-VIServer -Server {hostname} -User {username} -Password {password} Get-Folder 'Finance' | Get-VM | Sort Name -descending| Select-Object Read More…