When trying to update the Dell MEM from 1.2 to 1.5 on ESXi 6.0 I got an error 15 in Update Manager
Using esxcli update method I was presented with the following error:
The pending transaction requires 242 MB free space, however the maximum supported size is 239 MB.
Please refer to the log file for more details.
Check which vibs are currently installed
esxcli software vib list
I know we arent using any QLogic scsi drivers so I decided to get a list of them
esxcli software vib list | grep -i QLogic
ima-qla4xxx 500.2.01.31-1vmw.0.3.100400 QLogic VMwareCertified 2014-03-03
misc-cnic-register 1.712.70.v55.1-1OEM.550.0.0.1331820 QLogic VMwareCertified 2016-12-05
net-bnx2 2.2.5k.v55.1-1OEM.550.0.0.1331820 QLogic VMwareCertified 2016-12-05
net-bnx2x 2.712.70.v55.3-1OEM.550.0.0.1331820 QLogic VMwareCertified 2016-12-05
net-cnic 2.712.70.v55.3-1OEM.550.0.0.1331820 QLogic VMwareCertified 2016-12-05
net-nx-nic 5.5.643-1OEM.550.0.0.1331820 QLogic VMwareCertified 2016-12-05
net-qlcnic 5.5.190-1OEM.550.0.0.1331820 QLogic VMwareCertified 2015-07-22
qlnativefc QLogic VMwareCertified 2016-12-05
scsi-bfa QLogic VMwareCertified 2015-07-22
scsi-bnx2fc 1.712.70.v55.5-1OEM.550.0.0.1331820 QLogic VMwareCertified 2016-12-05
scsi-bnx2i 2.712.70.v55.2-1OEM.550.0.0.1331820 QLogic VMwareCertified 2016-12-05
scsi-qla4xxx 644.55.37.0-1OEM.550.0.0.1331820 QLogic VMwareCertified 2016-12-05
scsi-qla2xxx 911.k1.1-26OEM.500.0.0.472560 qlogic VMwareCertified 2014-03-0
Remove unecessary VIBs
In my example I SSH to the host and run :
esxcli software vib remove -n scsi-qla2xxx -n scsi-qla4xxx -n scsi-bnx2i -n scsi-bnx2fc -n scsi-bfa -n net-qlcnic -n net-nx-nic -n net-cnic -n net-bnx2x