In this example we will be upgrading Firepower Management Center virtual appliance (formerly known as Firesight) from version to 6.1.0-33. This process needs to take place before the Firepower sensors are upgraded.
Ensure you have backups of the FMC. As its virtual I’d also recommend taking a snapshot as well.
Check the upgrade path on the Cisco website
Run in the pre-installation (optional but recommended) package
Download the pre-installation package ( from Cisco website.
Upload the update to the FMC:
System -> Updates -> Product Updates -> Upload Update -> {Browse download} -> Upload
Ensure all devices are communicating correctly and there are no running tasks
System -> Health -> Monitor
Install Pre-Install package
System -> Updates -> {Install Icon}
Note: No reboot is required.
Upload upgrade package & run readiness check
Download update (in this case: ) from Cisco website then upload to the appliance. (like in steps above)
SSH to appliance and run following commands:
sudo --readiness-check /var/sf/updates/{filename}
Command to run in our example:
sudo --readiness-check /var/sf/updates/
(you will be prompted for password}
Monitor progress and confirm process completes successfully.
Upgrade FMC
Click the install icon:
Confirm install
You can see the status of the install :
Eventually you will be logged out. If you decide to log back in you can see the status of the update:
Finally the appliance will reboot:
You should then be able to connect back into your appliance and check the status of the update.
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