Find Serial Number of Shelf on Ontap v9.x

Problem: I needed to locate the serial number of a new shelf i’d just added.


Login to the cluster via SSH and run the following command

my-sannapp01::> storage shelf show

                                                   Module Operational
   Shelf Name Shelf ID Serial Number   Model       Type   Status

          1.0        0 SHFHUaaaaaaaaaa DS212-12    IOM12E Normal
          1.1        1 SHJHUbbbbbbbbbb DS212-12    IOM12  Normal
          1.2        2 SHJHUcccccccccc DS212-12    IOM12  Normal
          1.3        3 SHJHUdddddddddd DS212-12    IOM12  Normal
          1.4        4 SHJHUeeeeeeeeee DS212-12    IOM12  Normal
          1.5        5 SHJHUeeeeeeeeee DS212-12    IOM12  Normal